We are working together through in-person workshops every six months over two years, with four meetings in total. The workshops will include presentations from guest researchers (experts in modelling water) as well as intense team working sessions to allow for peer-to-peer learning.
Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, Uppsala
In the first workshop, we shared our experience from 4 different cases:
- WEAP (Water Evaluation And Planning) model for reservoir management in Mexico
- Data-driven model to predict conflicts in Water, Peace, and Security project
- Remote sensing retrieval model for Water Productivity monitoring
- Situated modelling through interdisciplinary collaboration
Paris Institute for Advanced Studies, Paris
Online focus group discussion on ‘Water models as controversial tools: Doing water modelling better’
We discussed with Tobias Krueger, Andrea Saltelli and Neelke Doorn on how we can change modeling practices in the water sector to be more reflexive, socially-aware, situated, and collective, and how we can invite more people (funders, modelers, decision-makers, social actors) to be a part of this transition.
Montpellier Advanced Knowledge Institute on Transitions, Montpellier
30 September - 10 October, 2024
L’UMR G-EAU Seminar: Modelling for just water transformations
Building on the initial critical interrogation of modelling, we are now turning towards exploring how models and modelling can support just water transformations. For us, just transformation involves situated knowledge, ad hoc local commitments, and negotiations between different worldviews, knowledges, objectives and values. During this seminar, we introduced our CAT project to G-EAU researchers and presented the insights we gained so far. In a facilitated discussion, we invited participants to share their feedback on our work and to share experiences, ideas, examples, and (novel) practices for modelling waters for just transformations.
IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, Delft
12 February, 2025
Seminar: So models have a social and political life. What does this mean for a modeller in practice?
In this interactive hybrid seminar, we created a space for researchers who use models, aspire to use models, or work with modellers to exchange experiences around the following questions: How do you see your responsibility as modeller for the influence a model can have? What were you proud of your modelling practice, what would you avoid in the future?
Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study, Amsterdam
10 - 14 March, 2025